Welcome! I hope this page allows you to learn a little about me and what makes my photography set apart from others in Northern Colorado. LIGHTING IS THE DIFFERENCE My journey as a professional photographer began in 2012 with family portraiture. I began shooting families and my own children in the mountains near Aspen, CO. The first few years I used exclusively natural light photography, a technique most photographers use. Natural lighting can create beautiful images, but you are limited in creativity, consistent quality and achieving even exposures of subject to the background is limited. Once I mastered this style of shooting, I got interested in learning more and I went to a few conferences & workshops and started fully incorporating flash into my all of my work in 2017. I now use off camera flashes with different modifiers at almost all portrait shoots and a mix of strobe lights with soft boxes & constant LED lights for headshot work. I am able to look at any photo and identify the light sources and duplicate the work if need be. POSING & ATMOSPHERE I love making photography a positive experience for all involved. 90 percent of my clients come in saying they are not into this and they all leave satisfied with comments like, "that was easy, thank you." A great headshot is determined by the photographer. Adjustments to the client's hair and clothing, direction to stand and model correctly, creating a mood for genuine expression and working together to hide insecurities are all strengths of mine. My fool proof method involves shooting, image preview and selection as well as high end retouching all done in house. I always make sure my clients are satisfied about the session before we part ways. STYLE Each photographer has their own style and it's very important to find one that matches your taste! My website is very representative of all of the work I do. My photos are clean, sharp and colorful. I would say I do traditional posed portraits with a little splash of lifestyle action shots. I stand behind the consistency of my images and I am always happy to share my most recent albums from client shoots for perspective clients to see what I deliver. EQUIPMENT For all of you photo nerds out there, I shoot with a Canon 5d Mark IV. I'm not opposed to other brands and don't have super strong feelings to engage in the Nikon vs. Canon debate. What you start with is usually what you are loyal to. I have a variety of lenses from wide angle to macro to telephoto. I use Godox strobes and speedlights with a variety of modifiers including MagMod products, stripboxes, softboxes, beauty dishes & constant LED lights. For those wanting some creativity I have an array of colored gels I use for a splash of color or to modify sky colors at sunset. ABOUT ME I am officially half Texan half Coloradoan as I have spent my life in both. My husband and I have lived in Fort Collins since 2014 when we took over Fort Collins 4x4 Center. We have 3 children. In our free time we love all things with water, outdoor activities, entertaining friends and family, serving at our kids school and various community organizations and Overland Church.